Editorial: Journal aim and scope and ongoing positioning.

AutorSalcedo, Nestor U.

With great pride and closing the year 2022 with volume 27 issue 54 of the Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science (JEFAS), we share with our authors, readers and the scientific community in general that our journal was awarded the Scopus - Concytec 2022 Scientific Production Award in the category "Peruvian journal with the greatest impact in Scopus".

Without a doubt, this is the achievement of an entire editorial team and our committed educational institution, ESAN, whose effort, and perseverance have made it possible to invest in research in these categories of business, economics and finance over many years (Salcedo et al, 2022).

As part of our history, ESAN has been created for around 60 years by the initiative of the Government of Peru, USAID, and Stanford University. From its roots, this integrating initiative allowed the creation of a knowledge promotion culture in the social sciences focused on economics and business with a global vision. Thanks to this organizational culture, an institution was legitimized over time, being able to overcome the contexts and promote knowledge development across borders.

About 30 years ago, in 1992, part of the formalization of that institutional legitimacy gained gave rise to the creation of our journal, called, at the time, Cuadernos de Difusion. The journal not only promoted the initiative from the domestic level but also, with the international spirit with which it was created, promoted the collective participation of collaborators worldwide, managing to consolidate over the years. As a result of this and in the search to strengthen its international recognition, the journal changed its name in 2009 to the current Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science (JEFAS) and accessed the leading regional and world indexers such as Scielo and Scopus. Likewise, we changed our independent editorial management model to a cooperative one to enrich ourselves with good practices, with publishers like Elsevier at the beginning and Emerald Publishing today.

Our base has always been and will be Peru, but we are proud to contribute to our Latin American region through joint international collaborations. Likewise, our global reach has allowed us to position ourselves in the international contribution with collaborations from other countries in emerging and developing economies outside the region, which see the JEFAS and Peru as significant global hubs to contribute, reference and even...

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