El fideicomiso y sus implicancias tributarias

AutorWalker Villanueva Gutiérrez
CargoAbogado por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
26 4
Revista IUS ET VERITAS, N° 47, Diciembre 2013 / ISSN 1995-2929
nuestro ordenamiento de sde principios de los noventa en la L ey del Sistema
Bancario y Financi ero. Actualmente, es una herramienta dúcti l, pero sobre
todo su regulación no rmativa en el Derecho Civi l suscita diversos problem as
              
ha sido evolución legis lativa y sus problemáticas en la esfera tr ibutaria. En
este artículo podrá s encontrar un análisis crític o de cómo nuestra normativa
tributaria ha venido regulando, de manera confusa y descoordinada, al
Palabras clave:   
         
Abstract: The legal institution of Trust has been legislate d in the Peruvian
Law since the early years of nineties in the Law of Banking and Finance
System. Currently, Trusts have become in a ductile tool, but especially its
legal regulation in th e Civil Law has raised a lot of legal problems. For that
reason, the author star ts by analyzing the legal in stitution of Trust, its common
characteristics with an autonomous patrimony, its legislative evolution and its
about how Peruvian Law have legislated the legal institution of Trust in a
very confusing an d disordered way.
Keywor ds:  
 
1. Proble mas de la regulación le gal del
  
                        
          
  
Católica y Universidad ESAN. Socio del Estudio Ferrero Abogados.
Walker Villanueva Gutiérrez(*)
El fideicomiso y sus implicancias
The trust and its tax implications

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